Enhance your massage experience with

Add-On Services

$8 hot towels (3) | salt scrub $30 | $20 other add-ons | select when booking service

  • Hot Towels

    Hot towels added to your treatment increase the benefits of by softening muscles prior to massaging the area, reducing soreness, soothing joint pain, easing sinus pressure, and of course encouraging relaxation.

  • Hot Stones

    Hot basalt stones are placed on specific areas of your body to relax muscles at a deep level. Heat has always eased muscle tension and pain, and when combined with massage, it can break down tension to make you more relaxed, decrease muscle spasms and help increase mobility and range of motion.

  • Salt Scrub for Feet

    Custom blended salt scrub applied to feet and lower legs followed by warm towel applied to increase penetration and remove excess salt scrub, ends with application of lotion to lock in moisture. Your choice of essential oil(s) added to salt scrub to create a customized experience.

  • Warm Bamboo

    Natural bamboo sticks are used to roll, glide or knead your muscles to release tension, and increases inner wellbeing. Improves nervous system functions and sensory nerve perception, increases flexibility, stimulates cellular activity to repair and nourish the skin, breaks down and softens adhesions, and assists in the removal of lactic acid. Note: individuals with a low BMI may find this uncomfortable.

  • Dynamic Cupping

    Soft silicone cups glide across the body, increasing blood and lymph circulation, releasing fascial adhesions and muscle tension. The word "dynamic" refers to using the cups to make sweeping motions along the length and width of the muscles. Cups may also be "parked" over specific areas of tension. Mild, temporary skin discoloration may occur with this treatment. Benefits: stretches muscle and fascia, reduces stagnation, encourages blood and lymph flow.

  • G-Force

    A multi-directional mechanical tool that provides a dispersed deep tissue massage. The G-Force (G5) is FDA registered and provides a deep tissue massage without discomfort. It is used for pain relief, stress and fatigue reduction. The therapeutic effect of 5 minutes can equal up to 30 minutes of hands-on massage. Note: individuals with low BMI, or extensive tooth repair may find this uncomfortable. Video

  • Aromatherapy Oil

    Top quality, Young Living essential oil(s) added to lotion or oil. A custom blend of scents, or a single note. Several top quality essential oils to choose from.

    Lavender, Lemongrass, Orange, Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Joy a YL blend to lift your spirit and refresh your skin.

  • CBD Lotion

    CBD is the gold standard of deep relaxation, deep muscle and fascia release, injury treatment, pain relief, skin hydration, and more. It helps to alleviate inflammation, reduce pain, improve blood pressure, and appearance of skin. Professional 200mg CBD Massage Lotion | A multi-purpose blend of certified organic pure Cannabidiol CBD extract plus organic hempseed and jojoba oils. Also includes arnica, vitamins A & E, olive oil, and cocoa butter.